Friday 18 July 2014

12 Essential Oils For Good Digestive Health

Essential oils to help with digestive issues ~

1 - Fennel
Fennel essential oil is well known for its digestive benefits and is useful for the relief of indigestion and over-indulgence. Fennel can be used to help combat a range of other digestive issues such as spasms, parasites, flatulence, indigestion, nausea and colic. Fennel essential oil can also be a great addition to a weight loss program. SHOP >

2 - Ginger

Ginger essential oil has an inviting, arousing, aroma that complements vital energy and strength. It has cleansing and soothing properties that support its use as an aid to healthy digestion and managing feelings of nausea, especially during pregnancy. To assist a healthy appetite and digestion, especially when eating is not appealing, add 3 drops of ginger to a diffuser one hour prior to eating. Traditionally ginger is found in many civilisations for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Since the Middle Ages it has been valued by the Western world as a digestive aid. SHOP >

3 - Peppermint
Peppermint essential oil contains unique compounds that can help relax digestive muscles and allow painful digestive gas to pass. If you experience frequent nausea, diarrhea, or menstrual cramps, or suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), peppermint oil can also provide lasting relief for these uncomfortable conditions. For travel sickness, rub 1-2 drops directly onto the solar plexus to maintain natural balance and counter nausea. SHOP >
4 - Cardamon

Cardamon aka Cardamon essential oil is a classic Indian Ayurvedic ‘digestive’ spice. Cardamon is a refreshing, uplifting oil. It is active for the digestive system, working to aid effective elimination, and to help calm colic, gas and nausea, constipation and reflux. It has a warming effect on the stomach which is especially useful for heartburn. Because it helps stimulate the balanced secretion of gastric juices, bile, and other vital digestive acids, cardamom oil makes an excellent remedy for many common digestive disorders. SHOP > 

5 - Oregano
Oregano essential oil is an extremely powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic healing oil that helps to kill off harmful bacteria and restore a proper bacterial balance in the digestive tractSHOP >
6 - Aniseed

Aniseed essential oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that support its use for digestive care. Traditionally in ancient Rome the seeds were included in a spice cake to aid digestion after a meal. Medicinally, it is perhaps best known as a main ingredient in 'gripe water' which is given to infants with colic, gastrointestinal discomfort, teething pain, reflux and other stomach ailments. To assist a healthy digestive process apply 2-5 drops Aniseed to a half teaspoon of vegetable oil and massage into the stomach in a clockwise direction. SHOP >
7 - Nutmeg

Nutmeg encourages healthy appetite and may also be useful against intestinal parasites and infections. Use 2-3 drops in 5 ml Olive oil and massage onto abdomen in a clockwise direction before mealtimes. SHOP >

8 -Lemongrass
Lemongrass essential oil is good for aiding in digestion because it stimulates glandular secretions and helps with indigestion, colitis and gastroenteritis. Traditionally lemongrass appears in traditional Chinese medicine for stomach pain. SHOP >

9 -
Lemon essential oil helps aid with digestion, boost weight-loss and metabolism. Lemon has the ability to clean toxins from the any part of the body which includes the digestive system and the kidneys. Historically lemons have been used for their medicinal properties for centuries, and their health benefits are well-documented. Many centuries ago, the ancient Egyptians would drink lemon juice to clear their bodies of toxins and poisons. Science has further discovered that lemons are also good immune system boosters, help aid in digestion, and can help detoxify and purify the liver. SHOP > 

10 - Tarragon
Tarragon essential oil has a spicy scent with undertones of anise. Tarragon is traditionally used in cooking. Historically it is known as the 'herb of the dragon'. Tarragon oil has many medicinal uses, which include its powerful ability to stimulate appetite and digestive function. It also has the ability to fight intestinal worms and helps stimulate the liver's natural production of bile, a critical component of the digestive process that helps to eliminate  toxins from the body. Tarragon oil has long been used throughout history for these and other purposes, and may provide exceptional digestive relief particularly when combined with various other beneficial essential oils.  SHOP >

11 - Coriander Seed
Coriander Seed essential oil can be used as an appetite stimulant by diffusing in the kitchen while cooking or in eating spaces. It helps to supports good appetite, a balanced nervous system and is uplifting to the spirit. Historically Coriander featured in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures and has been used to aid nausea and other digestive problems. It is one of the oldest known herbs and has a long history of culinary and medicinal use. SHOP >

12 - Basil
Basil essential oil is effective in digestive disorders, ranging from nausea to hiccups. For centuries herbal practitioners have recommended Basil to support digestive health, in particular to soothe a bloated tummy, flatulence or indigestion. SHOP >

Please refer to directions of each essential oil before use.
Other great oils for good digestive health include - orange, marjoram, patchouli, spearmint , clove bud and German chamomile.

Please note this information is for educational purposes only.

Aromatherapy For Australia

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