Sunday 23 February 2014

The Different Varieties Of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

1- Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) essential oil , as praised by Australian researchers, Penfold and Morrison in the 1930’s. Excellent for aiding in the relief of many respiratory complaints, expectorant and anti-infectious. Seen as a potential anti-viral essence, Eucalyptus radiata has good ‘toning’ qualities, for boosting our Defensive Qi, the ‘energetic’ aspect of our immune system. 

2- Eucalyptus Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) is similar to the classic Tasmanian Blue Gum oil, as mentioned in most Aromatherapy texts. As with E. radiata, useful for many respiratory complaints and aids in the relief of nerve pain, headaches, minor wounds and burns. Sustainable wild harvested and single distilled.

3- Eucalyptus Lemon (Eucalyptus citriodora) is from the beautiful ‘ghost gum’, this oil is a useful anti-inflammatory essence, to assist in the temporary relief of the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, muscular pain and spasm and sore throat. Calming qualities for nervous tension and stress. Topical use for treatment of fungal infections. A good insect repellent!

4- Eucalyptus Blue Mallee (Eucalyptus polybractea) essential oil is known for its antiseptic powers and helps to breathe easier when breathing may be challenged. Use in massage for relief for tired muscles. Create clean, fresh air and surfaces throughout the home and overcome bad odours.

5- Eucalyptus Peppermint (Eucalyptus dives) is rich in piperitone, this essence is a good decongestant, helping to break up congestion in respiratory complaints (such as bronchitis) and combines well with other respiratory oils like E. radiata. Useful in skin care to help unblock pores as in acne and comedomes.

6- Eucalyptus Staigeriana is a new Australian essence and is a beautiful lemon scented oil, rich in lemon-scented citrals and esters of geraniol. Used in low doses (<1%) it is gently soothing and calming. Blended with citrus oils, it is a good air antiseptic when diffused.

Shop for all the different types of eucalyptus essential oil :

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