Tuesday 21 January 2014

Dry Brushing


Dry brushing leaves your skin exfoliated and more readily able to excrete toxins through sweat, absorb the nutrients you apply with lotions and oils, and helps your lymph flow to keep your body healthy, and it takes less than 5 minutes.

Ayurvedic texts recommend daily skin brushing to keep the urinary system working properly, as the skin is known as the third kidney. Properly conditioned skin will have less breakouts and other undesirable skin conditions.

Your skin is an organ of elimination, just like your kidneys, liver and colon. It’s the largest organ of your body and it’s estimated that one-third of your body’s daily impurities are excreted through the skin. Dry skin brushing helps keep the pores clear and the skin active to assist the body in this cleansing process. If your skin becomes inactive, its ability to remove excess toxins is impaired.



1. Use a natural bristle brush, preferably with a long handle, and start at your feet, working upward in a circular motion toward your abdomen. The historical theory is to move all of the toxins in your bloodstream and lymph toward your digestive system so that it can be eliminated from the body.

2. Continue to brush, lightly, over the buttocks and abdomen, then start at the hands and arms, again working toward the abdomen. Complete the brushing of your back and chest in the same fashion.

3. Shower immediately after brushing to remove the dead skin, using soap only if necessary, as it tends to dry out the skin.

4. Repeat daily.

Benefits of dry skin brushing:
  •     Removes dead layers of skin and other outer impurities.
  •     Stimulates and increases blood circulation.
  •     Helps release fatty deposits under your skin’s surface.
  •     Assists the eliminative capacity of your body’s organs.
  •     Rejuvenates your cells.
  •     Strengthens your immune system.
  •     Increases muscle tone.
  •     Improves skin texture.
  •     Helps prevent premature ageing.


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